Differentiate system software and application software.

System software and application software are computer programs. The system software is also installed during the installation of the operating system. However, the application software utilises the capabilities of the computer on which it is installed.

Difference between system software and application software
• System software gets installed when the operating system is installed on the computer while application software is installed according to the requirements of the user.
• System software includes programs such as compilers, debuggers, drivers, assemblers while application software includes media players, word processors, and spreadsheet programs.
• Generally, users do not interact with system software as it works in the background whereas users interact with application software while doing different activities.
• A computer may not require more than one type of system software while there may be a number of application software programs installed on the computer at the same time.
• System software can run independently of the application software while application software cannot run without the presence of the system software.


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