- Six decades as a yellow burns-relief ointment
- Become a generic brand
- In 1967, Burnol’sapplicationwasfarwidened,to include antiseptic properties against cuts and other wounds
- In1990s again it was repositioned as antiseptic for multiple usage
- In 1997 moved to Reckitt Primal ,become Burnol Plus and was positioned as’ first aid cream”
- Burnol is now marketed by Dr. Morepen Lab as a protective cream which should be kept handy always
brand recall No competitor in the burns segment
of experience. Entrenched in Indian minds as the best solution to
domestic burns
The ‘Burns’ Image
- Started as a cream to ‘soothe and heal skin burns’
- Started showing ‘Haath Jal Gaya?’ TVCs in 1974
- For 98% respondents solution to any burn was Burnol in 1988
- Burns market currently at Rs 39 crore
Change in image – an
- Failed attempt in 1967 as antiseptic
- Launched in 1994 as Antiseptic Burnol 3-in-1
- Launched as Burnol Plus – first aid cream in 1997
- Unable to come out of the ‘burns’ rut
- Turmeric seen as a staining agent
- Consumers not ready to accept other uses
- Constant change of ownership
- Lowpurchaseratesdespitehugerecall